When Worlds Collide 1951

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When Worlds Collide (DVD)

Today's Science-Fiction extravaganzas all pay tribute to this pioneering classic from Producer George Pal (The War of the Worlds), w hich won an Oscar® for its spectacular special effects. An impending collision wit h a runaway star signals the destruction of earth . The government refu ses to listen to scientists, but private industrialists finance the buil ding of a spaceship, which will carry a limited number of people to anot her planet to begin a new civilization. As doomsday approaches, they rac e against time and the pan ic of those who will be left behind. The pote ntial pulverizing impact of the collision, the massive tidal waves and d evastating eart hquakes and the final cosmic smashup make a chilling pan orama of disaster. The balance between human and planetary drama is exce llen tly maintained as the movie builds to its fascinating, unforgettabl e climax. The government refuses to listen to scientists, but pr ivate industrailist finance the building of a spaceship, which will carry a li mited numer of people to another planet to begiin a ne w civilization. A s doomsday approaches, they race against time and the panic of those who will be left behind. The potential pulveri zing impact of the collision , the massive titdal waves and devastating earthquakes, and the final co smic smashup make a chilling pan orama of disaster. The balance between human and planetary drama is excellently maintained as the movie builds to its fascinating, u nforgettable climax.