VitaMedica Clear Skin Vitamin Supplement for Acne W/Vitamins A- C and E Plus Zinc and Hyaluronic Acid

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Each daily packet includes: healthy skin formula (2 capsules formulated with selected vitamins & minerals to promote skin health; herbs detoxify and cleanse the skin; and botanicals & minerals to support inflammatory control. hyaluronic acid (1 softgel capsule) - one of the skin's most important components for hydration and moisture retention. hyaluronic acid acts to maintain the water balance in the dermis, without promoting or irritating oily skin. recommended by medical skin care professionals for their patients with mild to moderate acne plus dry/sensitive skin. each convenient daily packet is formulated to provide internal skin care by enhancing the body's natural systems for repairing, cleansing & healing. many topical treatments for the care of acne and inflammatory disorders of the skin are currently available. while effective, these regimens contain ingredients that promote activity primarily on the outer layer of the skin. although the topical approach represents the foundation of good skin care, it is also sensible to address internal skin function and activity. vitamedicas clear skin formula provides internal skin care by enhancing the body's natural systems for repairing, cleansing and healing.