Uber Soccer Regulation Size and Weight Indoor Futsal Soccer Ball Navy Orange Glossy 4

Was: $63.80
Now: $31.90
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Size 3 - (Age 10 and younger). The Uber soccer futsal ball is a top-quality ball, which is suitable for tournament play indoors and out. This futsal ball is made with top quality PU (polyurethane), a high-performance synthetic leather, and conforms to official FIFA futsal standards. This Uber soccer futsal ball is hand-stitched, and it's laminated so it is soft to the touch. The futsal ball is fitted with special low-bounce bladder and conforms to the FIFA futsal standard which means: it can only bounce up to 25 inches on its first bounce, it will bounce twice only and then roll along the ground. Futsal can be played inside or out. It is played on a basketball-sized court with no sidewalls. This type of play develops skill by testing reflexes, quick thinking, and pin-point passing. This ball can be used for games or training. Note: All soccer balls are shipped deflated to save on shipping costs.