travSIM Brazilian SIM Card Three UK SIM Card for Valid 60 Days – 3GB Mobile Data - Brazil UK Three Brazilian SIM Card – Free Roaming in 71 Destinations

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Now: $29.94
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Three UK SIM Card Three UK SIM card with 3GB mobile data in Brazil, valid for 60 days. Tethering / Hotspot is not permitted with your SIM card. Works in all GSM SIM-unlocked devices (Android & iOS). Activation manual included with your SIM card package (English & German). If you have any questions / queries / concerns, we are readily available to assist. SIM Format Standard Micro Nano Purchase When you buy your travSIM SIM card, you will receive an activation instruction manual (English & German). Activation Kindly send us an activation request via email or the website for us to activate your SIM card. Confirmation Email A confirmation email containing your APN settings and telephone number will be sent. Insert Your SIM Card Upon arrival at your destination, insert your SIM card into your device. We wish you a pleasant journey!