In the Transformers: Robots in Disguise animated series, Bumblebee leads a team of Autobots. Their mission: capture Decepticons that are loose on Earth
and do it without being discovered. Join Bumblebee and his team and help them chase down Decepticons with Transformers: Robots in Disguise figures. This Energon Boost Bumblebee figure changes between modes in 3 quick steps. They've done it on TV -- Transformers robots moving at top speed, then magically shifting between modes. One moment they're high-performance vehicles, and the next moment they're towering robots charging into battle. Transformers 3-Step Changers bring home some of the magic of conversion with figures that kids switch between modes in 3 smooth steps. Choose from a variety of different conversion styles, designed to create a "Wow!" moment. When Bumblebee wants to hit the road with extra speed or battle with extra strength, he kicks into overdrive in Energon Boost mode. The Decepticons don't stand a chance! This 3-Step Changers Energon Boost Bumblebee figure switches between modes in 3 smooth steps! Convert from robot to sports car and back and seamlessly continue the battle. It features special edition Energon boost armor. But the action doesn't stop there. This 3-Step Changers Energon Boost Bumblebee figure works with Mini-Con Weaponizers figures. Each Mini-Con Weaponizers figure converts from robot to a unique weapon in a single step. Add a Mini-Con Weaponizers figure to the battle and make Bumblebee even mightier. Mini-Con Weaponizers are each sold separately and subject to availability. Transformers: Robots in Disguise figures unlock content in the Transformers Robots: in Disguise app! Scan the Autobot shield on this figure to unlock Bumblebee and an axe. Download the app, scan the shield to activate the code, unlock, and play. App content is for ages 9 and up. Transformers and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise 3-Step Changers Energon Boost Bumblebee
- SKU:
- TT139993
- UPC:
- 630509407569
- Condition:
- New
- Availability:
- Free Shipping from the USA. Estimated 2-4 days delivery.