Tonique Energy Mat with Sylwia DVD

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My goal with all Tonique workouts is to provide an extreme and unique experience. At the end of each workout, I want everyone to experience a sense of accomplishment, and feel stimulated both physically and mentally. Tonique is not your average workout! Tonique Energy Mat is not your ordinary mat workout. It is a combination of different moves at tempo that help you to sculpt and tone your body, elevate your heart rate and take your endurance to the next level. Tonique Energy Mat is designed to flow from move to move, energizing your body and mind, and maximizing the efficiency of your workout time. For years, I have been advocating using Tonique workouts as “Me Time.” This is your time when you are able to push and challenge yourself, and there is no one to judge you. As I like to say, during Me Time there is “just you and your shadow.” When filming Tonique Definitions, I decided to take that concept literally. Therefore when you watch me working out with you, you see my shadow. I hope you enjoy Tonique Energy Mat and sweat towards a fitter, firmer and more fabulous YOU!