Thomas Friends Thomas and His Friends Help Out

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That's why it's so important for Thomas to race to the rescue when one of his friends needs a "helping hand", or in Thomas' case, a"helping buffer". This special collection of stories highlights your Sodor friends proving that sometimes friendship is stronger than fear as they help out those in need. Remember when Trevor was almost scrapped? Cheer on Thomas, Harold, Terence and Percy as theyrescue villagers from a heavy snowfall, and find out what happens down at the mine. All Aboard for non-stop DVD fun and excitment! OUR STORY STOPS ARE: Edward Helps Out; Foolish Freight Cars; Thomas, Percy & The Mail Train; Thomas Breaks The Rules; Down The Mine;Percy's Promise; Trouble In The Shed; Donald & Douglas Saved From Scrap; Bertie's Chase; Thomas & Percy's Mountain Adventure