Thesis Shower Gel and Creamy Body Wash - Patchouli

Was: $67.90
Now: $33.95
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If you love Patchouli - this shower gel is for you! It has creamy, smooth texture and foams just enough to provide gentle cleansing. Makes just enough lather to cleanse, but not as much as drying SLS-based conventional gels. The choice is yours. How many shower gels advertised as "mild" left your skin tight, dry, itchy and uncomfortable? How many body washes with the words "organic & natural" contain SLS, PEG, Tetrasodium EDTA, PEG, synthetic fragrance, Parabens and other chemicals? Most body washes on the market today are a mixture of nasty chemicals and cheap water. At best, there is a pinch of generic or somewhat natural ingredients to "support the claims". Your skin absorbs a portion of the ingredients from the body wash while you're rubbing it in and lather it up. You also inhale synthetic fragrances while showering. Also, harsh degreasers strip your skin of its natural oil mantle and leave it dehydrated and vulnerable. Dehydrated skin is prone to premature aging, dermatitis and other complications. People with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis know all about discomfort and other consequences of using conventional dehydrating shower products. Liberate yourself from bad chemicals because you don't need them for a great shower experience. Our organic and all natural shower gels are made with purest ingredients that you can trust. These mild and ultra gentle skin cleansers purify your skin without leaving it dry. Why? Because our gels are made from pure organic castile soap base and natural glycerin. No bad chemicals, no nonsense! Just clean, natural and organic ingredients which make a shower gel that lathers well and cleans great. Scented with pure essential oils, this pure creamy shower gel provides skin soothing benefits while tantalizing your senses with relaxing aromatherapy.