The Soultaker - Blood Betrayal (Vol. 3) [DVD]

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Adding to cart… The item has been added The revelations pile up in this gothic psycho-adventure, as Kyosuke learns that he really is the son of scientist Tsubaki Tokisaka and hospital director Dr. Richard Vincent. He also learns that Shiro's sister, Yui Kirahara, who controls the all-powerful Kirahara Group, has been hunting Flickers to create the SoulAnubis. This composite monster is supposed to help her find Kyosuke's lost twin sister Runa and fulfill her contract with an unseen, Darth Vader-voiced creature. (Runa unconsciously created the Flickers as a self-defense mechanism.) The dramatic confrontation between Kyosuke and the SoulAnubis--who fights using a combination of violence and guilt trips--is awkwardly directed and hard to follow. Soul Hunter offers a staccato, state-of-the-art mixture of computer graphics, odd camera angles, flashbacks, monochromatic imagery, and still artwork, but the story feels like a retread. Rated 16 Up: Graphic violence, grotesque imagery, profanity, tobacco use. --Charles Solomon Product Description Loyalty and betrayal! Kyosuke meets his mother! Still, the mysteries surrou nding his existence only deepen. After losing his resonance with the Flickers, Kyosuke is forced to turn to his enemies at the hospital for help, but the Kirihara Group attacks! Shiro reveals his ties to the Kirihara Group as the Hospital falls to their attack, but fa cts fail to dispel the mysteries and lead to more desperate moments! Son, Kyosuke faces t he Soul Anubis and must test the ultimate limits of his SoulTaker abilities!