The Official Star Trek Online Starships Collection - U-S-S- Buran NCC-96400 with Magazine Issue 5 by Eaglemoss Hero Collector

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U.S.S. Buran NCC-96400 starship is a frontline command dreadnought cruiser available to Starfleet players that is affectionately dubbed the “Battleaxe” by Starfleet engineers, chopping its way into the depths of any spacebound battle. Ready to lead from the frontline of whatever conflict it finds itself in, U.S.S. Buran NCC-96400 has a powerful hull and shield generators to ensure the safety of its crew, who use its cruiser communications array to direct the flow of battle. Its other systems are focused on enhanced battlefield awareness and coordination, and its resonant ionization circuit. The rest of the starship is geared toward bringing its guns to bear on the targets it designates as its own.