In Disney's beguiling animated romp, rebellious 16-year-old mermaid Ariel is fascinated with life on land. On one of her visits to the surface, which are forbidden by her controlling father, King Triton, she falls for a human prince. Determined to be with her new love, Ariel makes a dangerous deal with the sea witch Ursula to become human for three days. But when plans go awry for the star-crossed lovers, the king must make the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter.
The Little Mermaid -1989- -Limited Edition Artwork Sleeve- -Blu-ray- -Region Free-
- SKU:
- TE289077
- UPC:
- 8717418442583
- Condition:
- New
- Availability:
- Free Shipping from the USA. Estimated 2-4 days delivery.