Fun-packed adaptation of Rudyard Kipling's Mowgli stories. After being abandoned as a child, young Mowgli (voiced by Bruce Reitherman) is brought up in the jungle by wolves. However, when the news arrives that murderous, man-hating tiger Shere Khan (George Sanders) has returned, Mowgli's friends Bagheera (Sebastian Cabot) and Baloo (Phil Harris) set out to return the reluctant mancub to the humans' village. Their task is not made any easier when Mowgli is kidnapped at the behest of monkey ruler King Louie (Louis Prima), who wishes to learn the secret of man's power - fire! Disney Studios' nineteenth animated feature was the last to be overseen by founder Walt before his death, and won an Academy Award nomination for the song 'Bare Necessities'.
The Jungle Book 40th Anniversary Edition -Special Edition- -1967- -DVD- -1968-
- SKU:
- ZA1199086
- UPC:
- 8717418124052
- Condition:
- New
- Availability:
- Free Shipping from the USA. Estimated 2-4 days delivery.