The Dirty Gardener Heirloom Danver Carrots 50 Seeds

Was: $66.76
Now: $33.38
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Heirloom carrot developed in 1886. Market gardeners in Danvers, Massachusetts, developed this variety and shared it with Burpee in 1886. The root is a rich, dark orange and is 6-8" long. A first-class carrot for all soils. A carrot you can count on! Danvers 126 is a stocky variety with broad shoulders up to 2" wide and a tapered V-shaped root averaging 7-8" long. Carrots are a bright, deep-orange color. Tops are rugged, strong enough to withstand a good yank, and show superior disease resistance in the High Mowing trial gardens. A great variety for canning, freezing, storing, and makes a superb glass of carrot juice for a home-grown daily dose of beta carotene. A practical, all-around variety which thrives even in heavy soils and has a high tolerance for hot conditions.