The Bruh Button Toy - A Real Life Blue Bruh Button Meme

Was: $61.88
Now: $30.94
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Ever had those frustrating moments in life? Like that moment when your guy friend of 3 years makes a move on you, but you're just like 'bruh' Or when you try to make a move on the girl you've had a crush on for 3 years, but she rejects you and you're just like 'bruh'.... well this button is for you It takes $15 dollars and 2 - 7 days of waiting to add more humor and laughs into your daily life! Imagine making your crush laugh?! ( Don't forget to send us the wedding invite ;) ) Features This button has been carefully handmade with the power of comedic timing With this button, the power of breaking the ice and creating daily moments of laughter will become yours! Use this responsibily The blue and grey colour scheme follows the gray button meme (like how I mixed up the spelling?) Comes with two batteries (These are not rechargeable - replace them aight?) This button makes a great gag gift and will remain timeless!