THAI DRAGON PEPPER--50 SEEDS- Capsicum annuum Open pollinated variety

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Daikon Radish& amp amp lt div & amp amp lt img src= border= 0 & amp amp gt & amp amp lt br& amp amp gt & amp amp lt a href= border= 0 & amp amp gt & amp amp lt /a& amp amp gt THAI Dragon PEPPER-50 SeedsCapsicum annuum This popular pepper is a prolific open pollinated variety. The ripe red fruits are 2-3 long and about the diameter of a pencil. They have hot to very hot spiciness and dry very easily on the plant or  when picked.These are one of the best peppers for drying and are great to cook with whole or chopped into pieces. The peppers turn from dark green to bright red when ripe. Thai Dragon Thai dragon peppers are small, pungent peppers, often used in Asian cuisine. The peppers grow to 3 to 4 inches long and are typically bright red in color. They are often used indoors or along garden borders outdoors because of their decorative appeal. These peppers range from 50,000 to 100,000 Scoville Heat Units, which are used to measure the heat of pepper varieties. This means Thai peppers are about twice as hot as Tabasco and just less hot than Habanero peppers.Growing Tip: Start seeds inside 6 weeks before last frost date (or 8 weeks before expected transplanting date). Keep soil warm until emergence. Seeds will not germinate in cool soil and planting out too early may affect plant vigor. Harden off plants carefully  before transplanting. Prepare fertile, well drained soil. Transplant in late spring/summer (soil temperatures at least above 60°F) in a very warm and sunny location. Fertilize as needed. Too much nitrogen will produce lush foliage and few fruits. Growing Peppers: Peppers, like tomatoes, grow in well-drained fertile soil Almost all peppers have the same requirements for successful growth.  Plant them in goo Exported By ExportYourStore