Tendergreen Green Bean Seeds 50 Heirloom Seeds Per Packet Non GMO Seeds

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Now: $31.24
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Direct sow seeds in rich, well drained soil in full sun at least a week after the last expected frost, since beans are quite sensitive to cold. If you have never planted beans in your garden before, treat the seeds with a powder inoculant to allow the process of nitrogen fixation to begin. Plant them 1" deep and 3-6" apart, in rows about 2' apart; press down the earth above them for good soil contact. These seeds rot easily in wet soil, so do not over water them. Germination should take place 4-10 days after planting. Dry soil may result in low yields. For companion planting benefits, plant bush beans near carrots, cucumbers, or corn; avoid planting them near onions. All our seeds are Home Grown in the USA - Isla's Garden