TCM Greatest Classic Films: Legends - Gary Cooper (4FE)

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TCM GCF: Legends - Gary Cooper (4FE) SERGEANT YORK (1941) - Torn between religious pacifism and patriotism, simple farm boy Alvin York (Gary Cooper) of Tennessee went on to become WWI's most acclaimed hero, capturing 132 German soldiers during the Battle of Argonne. As York, Cooper won the 1941 Oscar® for Best Actor. THE FOUNTAINHEAD (1949) - Cooper plays unyielding architect Howard Roark, who will sacrifice everything – the woman he loves (Patricia Neal) or the project he dynamites when others interfere – to maintain his individuality in this film scripted by Ayn Rand from her novel and directed by King Vidor. FRIENDLY PERSUASION (1956) - For two years, the Civil War has been elsewhere. Now Confederates are nearby, looting and burning. Jess Birdwell's neighbors insist it's time to fight back. Yet Birdwell (Cooper), a Quaker, knows there's a better way to settle things in this film version of Jessamyn West's novel. LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON (1957) - May-December romance is in bloom when Billy Wilder directs and Audrey Hepburn and Cooper meet for Love in the Afternoon. Laughs, Parisian settings, champagne elegance – Wilder, cowriting with I.A.L. Diamond, delivers them all in his souffle-light homage to Ernst Lubitsch. ]]>