Disc One: Tai Chi FIT OVER 50is David-Dorian Ross' most popular program that became a worldwide bestseller. Tai Chi boosts your health and immunity with gentle exercise, allowing you to experience deep breathing, better strength, and increased bone density.
Disc Two: Tai Chi FIT Balance Exercise. Improve your BALANCE and HEALTH. Perfect for seniors, those with limited mobility, or anyone looking to improve their balance and prevent falls, the OVER 50 balance routine combines basic tai chi moves for an easy, whole-body workout. Youll feel relaxed and energized afterward.
Disc Three: Tai Chi FIT Seated Workout. A fantastic seated Tai Chi exercise routine which really helps build upper body strength. You may choose to practice SITTING DOWN and still get great exercise, using basic tai chi moves. Three great DVDs, all regions / region-free / plays worldwide.