Survival Garden Seeds Home Garden Vegetable Seed Vault - Non-GMO Heirloom Survival Garden Seeds for Planting - Waterproof Packaging for Long Term Storage - 30 Varieties of Vegetables

Was: $99.96
Now: $49.98
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The Home Garden Survival Seed Vault includes the following seeds for planting: San Marzano tomato, Black Beauty zucchini, Marconi Red pepper, Cylindra beet, Large Leaf basil, Green Salad Bowl lettuce, arugula, Butternut squash, Cayenne pepper, cilantro, Flat Leaf parsley, dill, Golden Acres cabbage, Vates collards, Snowball cauliflower, Crimson Sweet watermelon, Cal Wonder pepper, Black Beauty eggplant, Lacinato kale, National Pickling cucumber, Viroflay spinach, lemon balm, Champion radish, jalapeno pepper, Waltham 29 broccoli, Emerald okra, Little Finger carrot, Hearts of Gold melon (cantaloupe), Heirloom Rainbow Blend tomato, and Tiny Tim tomato. Can be used for container gardens, apartment gardens, backyard, suburban, urban, and family gardens. These seeds for planting in your family vegetable garden will help secure your family's food needs. Each package includes instructions for successful growing to help even a beginner gardener get started.