Stop Lights Game -Download-

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The Stop Lights Game is a desktop PC game with the objective of trying to get all the lights to turn to green. It is a puzzle similar to the Rubik's Puzzle cube that you try to get the same color line up on the same side. This Stop Lights Game consist of three lights Green, Yellow and Red. It sounds easy enough. But it is a brainteaser at the same time. Every time to click on the light it will change color but with the right click, right number of clicks, right pattern and all the lights will turn green. That is the Objective of this game. The game consists of many modules, many levels, Easy, Hard, Harder and Hardest. You can change, reset or create new puzzle anytime. And help is not far away, with a click on the help button and you will be presented with some information. Once you have met the objective you will be presented with a score screen and the total numbers of try it took you to meet the objective.
System Requirements:
  • Supported OS:   [Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows]
  • Processor:   AMD
  • RAM:   12MB
  • Hard Disk:   12MB
  • Video Card:   Windows Video card
  • Additional Requirements:   No additional requirement
Recommended System Requirements:
  • Recommended Processor:   AMD+
  • Recommended RAM:   12MB+
  • Recommended Video Card:   Windows Video card
  • Video Cards Supported at the time of release:   all