STOCK OPTIONS TRADING The beginners guide to Learn How to Trade Options and use the best Options Trading Strategies and Techniques to make money and Build your Passive Income Stream

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Do you want to learn how to trade options and learn to make money with options trading strategies, using the mechanics of put and call to control the stock market and build your passive income stream with trading? If yes, then keep reading. This book will help you in understanding the basic concepts of options trading and learn the Best options Trading Strategies and Techniques to make money. It will show you ways people can make money in the options trade as well as things that can cause losses. It will give you tips on understanding the risks and avoiding temptations. It will explain that, although the option trade runs on speculation, it is not a complete gamble. Several calculations are going on all the time. The psychology of the option buyer and the option seller will also be explained so that you know how things work. This Book Covers:      ? Understanding Options      ? What is an Option      ? The Best Strategies to Make Money      ? All About Buying Covers      ? The Options Trader Mindset      ? Options Trading Simulators      ? How to Operate with Options      ? Money Management      ? Photo Graph in Bull Market Economy vs. Bear Market      ? What is the Bear and Stock Market?      ? Investment Basic      ? Starter Strategies to Try      ? Profit Secret Strategies      ? To do and not to do      ? Day Trading Strategies Analysis And Much More. This trading book thoroughly covers all that you have to think about options trading, running from the significant rudiments straight up to cutting edge strategies. If you are a finished apprentice, you will discover all the data you have to begin, clarified straightforwardly. If you are a progressively experienced trader hoping to extend your insight, at that point, you will discover a lot of cutting-edge topics that will assist you with improving your trading abilities, particularly options trading. Ready to get started? Click “Buy Now”!