Soapwalla Organic Vegan Deodorant Cream Citrus

Was: $63.90
Now: $31.95
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Litsea Cubeba

Native to southeast asia, this sweet-spicy citrus is a potent antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, deodorizer, and vulnerary (helps heal wounds).


Bergaptene-free bergamot (not photosensitizing) is analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic, deodorizer, and skin tonifier.

Lime + Grapefruit

Naturally lift spirits and are fantastic antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, and deodorant oils.


Another terrific essential oil that is naturally analgesic, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, deodorant, and fungicidal.

Vanilla Absolute

This thick, nearly resinous liquid paste is not an essential oil but rather a concentrated aromatic oil extracted from from the flowers and pods of the vanilla plant (part of the orchid family). This delicious smelling, slightly smoky paste is a natural antioxidant, coolant, anticarcinogenic, and quickly heals wounds.

Soapwalla's Citrus Deodorant Cream is vegan and is made with the highest quality organic and food-grade ingredients. It does not contain questionables such as sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, harsh and harmful derivatives, petroleum, or aluminum compounds that are frequently found in commercial antiperspirants, and is NEVER tested on animals.

Soapwalla does not use aluminum zirconium in their Deodorant Cream; aluminum zirconium causes skin cells to swell and, in turn, pinch your sweat glands closed in order to keep them from releasing perspiration. Please therefore note that their Deodorant Cream is not an antiperspirant.