Soaker Hose for Garden 12 Soaker Hose 25 FT Soaker Hoses 50 FT Heavy Duty Drip Hose Save 70 Water Garden Hose for Lawn Garden 50 ft

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Soaker Hose for Garden What Is a Soaker Hose? Soaker hoses usually look like a traditional garden hose, but there is one big difference. They have small holes or pores all along the hose material. In fact, they are similar to the pores in your skin. These pores help the water get out of the hose slowly. When you put the hose in the garden, there is low water pressure. This helps to provide a more efficient flow of water from the hose to the plant’s base. Soaker Hose Pros 1.Easy to Regulate and Install. Determine where you want to lay the soaker hose and put it in place. You’ve got to ensure that it is close enough to the plant’s base and can reach the water outlet. 2.Consistent Watering. These soaker hoses have holes all throughout. Therefore, the water can come out of there and seep right into the ground at the root of the plant. 3.Use Less Water than Sprinklers. The sprinkler system shoots water everywhere. But soaker hoses won’t. 4. Works Well with Timers. The timer might work better on the soaker hose, and you can regulate the water flow more easily.