Sleep Essential Oil Roll On - Lavender Roll on Essential Oil with Blend of Clary Sage, Lemongrass and Chamomile - Essential Oils for Sleep and Relaxation - 10ml Calming Roll on Essential Oils

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Now: $35.94
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" calming essential oil roll on relief essential oil roll on essential frankincense oil sleep roll on essential oil organic lavender essential oil roll on calming essential oil roll on clary sage essential oil organic, essential oil rose scent, relaxing essential oils, saje essential oil, peace and calming essential oil, essential oil relief, essential oil for migraine relief, essential oils for sleep and relaxation, headache essential oil roll on, chamomile oil essential oil, essential oil roller Lavender Roll on Essential Oil Sleep, Essential Oil Roller Set, Calming Essential Oils for - roll on essential oils for , lavender essential oil roller, roll on essential oils for , away essential oils, sleep oil Calm essential oil roll-on is an easy way to enjoy the benefits of tranquility, relaxation and reduced tension while feeling good. The 100% organic, plant-derived essential oils provide quick , and a mood boost when inhaled. Our non-comedogenic oils also dilute our potent essential oils, preventing irritation. We use NEUTRAL OILS rich in oleic acid, which protects delicate compounds for a longer-lasting fragrance. How to use the product: Simply roll it across the desired spot and you've successfully applied the blend to that portion of your skin. Remember that some parts of your body are more effective than others. It is recommended to be applied to the back of the neck, chest, wrists and bottom of feet, allowing you to breathe in the relaxing vapors before bed or pure frankincense oil"