Shaped by Our Past Thumball Communication Game - 6" Yellow Conversation Starter

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We are who we are today because of our history and our lifetime of experiences. Encourage your group to share details of their past -- school, friends, family, hobbies, challenges, and more! The most compelling reason to break the ice is to create a stress-free environment, optimized for learning. Share your reaction to whatever prompt lies under your thumb. Thumball is a soft 6" stuffed ball with loads of applications! 1. A high school regret 2. A memorable birthday 3. A memorable school vacation 4. A mistake or failure you learned from 5. A non-family member who had an impact on your life 6. A proud childhood moment 7. A scary thing that happened to you 8. A stressful experience you lived through 9. A time you got in trouble at school 10. A time you went to the hospital 11. An important turning point in your life 12. Describe your "group" in high school 13. Extra-curricular activities you did 14. How you spent your summers 15. How you spent your time after school 16. How your birth order affected you 17. Something you hated as a child 18. Something you've always wanted to do, but haven't 19. The hardest choice you had to make 20. What about your parents (grandparents) most influenced you? 21. What you thought you'd be when you grew up 22. Where you lived as a kid 23. Your childhood nickname(s) and how you got it 24. Your favorite subject in school 25. Your greatest accomplishment so far 26. Your happiest childhood memory 27. Your happiest time of life 28. Your most challenging time as a kid/young adult 29. Your most unusual job 30. Your reputation at home 31. TOSS AGAIN 32. Catcher's choice.