Sera Pickled Hot Peppers in Brine Add Heat and Flavor to Salads Greens Sandwiches and More 1.41 Lb

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Now: $54.89
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Sera Pickled Hot Peppers in Brine are so crunchy, hot, and flavorful that you’ll always come back for more. They add a wonderful zing to any food that you choose to add them to. These peppers have a delicious heat that flows out into the brine, as delicious as the peppers are, you can also splash a bit of this into soups, sauces, stews, sauteed vegetables and just about anything that you want a little heat and zest. Make your own version of the Chicago Style Hot Dog using halal franks and our pickled hot finger peppers instead of traditional sport peppers! Our Hot Finger Peppers are the perfect finishing touch on salads, charcuterie boards, sandwiches, barbecue, and soon you’ll learn the list simply does not end. Sera Pickled Hot Peppers in Brine are one of the many amazing products by Sera Food, one of Turkey’s leading food manufacturers for almost 40 years. Their quality products can now be found in 45 countries across the world.