Scarlet Quince UNK011a-S Lady with Unicorn- Sense of Hearing -smaller- Counted Cross Stitch Chart- Regular Size Symbols

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A counted cross stitch pattern of one of the series of Lady and Unicorn tapestries from Cluny representing the senses. The sense of hearing is indicated with the lady playing a small pipe organ which rests on a brocade-covered table while her maid operates the bellows. On each side are a lion and unicorn holding lances with banners at the tips. The millefleur background includes many kinds of flowers, with rabbits, grouse, dogs, and foxes. The trees are an oak, holly, orange, and possibly an imaginary species. (This pattern is solidly stitched.) We also offer Sense of Taste, Sense of Sight, Sense of Smell, Sense of Touch, and A Mon Seul Desir. See UNK011a for a larger version (more stitches, more detail) of this pattern. (Late 1400s). This pattern is solidly stitched. Any color fabric may be used.