Rubie s Child s Colonial Boy Costume Small

Was: $109.02
Now: $54.51
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Now your child can join the founding father's as they travel back in time to develop the US Constitution with this colonial costume set. Long sleeve top with lace trimmed cuffs and attached brown vest front; lace neck jabot; brown knee length bottoms, and brown tricorn hat. Stockings and shoes available separately. Make history come alive as you re-enact the shaping of our country with your child! Child size Colonial, Pilgrim, Pioneer, and Political costumes are fun for book reports, history projects, school parades, Thanksgiving pageants, and of course Trick or Treat and Halloween too! IMPORTANT! Do not choose size based on child's clothing size or age, please consult Rubie's Child Size chart and recent reviews to determine best fit. The fun starts here! Pair with other historical costumes available in child and adult sizes for the whole family to enjoy. As the world's costume leader, Rubie's Costume Company takes seriously the mission to make dressing up fun! From standard costumes to mascot and rental quality costumes, as well as masks, wigs, accessories, shoes, and decor can all be found under the Rubie's brand. Family-owned and family-focused since 1950 and based in Long Island, New York, Rubie's brings you fun for every season: Halloween, Christmas, Mardi Gras, Easter, and all in-between!