Roman Patrons & Protectors St. Anthony * Saint Catholic Confirmation Santo

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Anthony Statue 3.5" Brown 3.5" H Having this St. Anthony statue can be a lovely reminder of the St. life and his graces. God blessed St. Anthony with the gift of restoring things and as such many Catholics pray for St. Anthony's help in finding lost articles and things. We pray to restore peace, we pray to find what we are looking for both in spirit and in physical world. Anthony is the patron saint of the poor and lost articles. This is statue is sold along with a St. Anthony prayer card. The gift box contains a prayer to St. Anthony on the front and the story of St. Anthony on the back.

St. Anthony

Patron of the Poor & Lost Articles

  • Finder of lost articles.
  • Prayer card included.
  • Life story on Back.

Prayer to St. Anthony of PaduaMost Holy St. Anthony,the great love of Godyou possessed while onearth, merited for youthe gift of miracles which you dispensedfreely to those in troubleand adversity. Knowingour many trials andtribulations, we beseechyou to whisper ourpetitions into the ears ofthe Holy Child, Jesus,whom you held manytimes in your arms withlove and affection. If thisrequest is for God'sgreater glory and mysalvation, may it begranted. Amen.St. Anthony of Padua"The wonder Worker" (1195-1231)St. Anthony came to be known as "The Wonder Worker" for the many miraclesand conversions attributed to him. Although quiet and unassuming, he wasregarded as a sensational preacher in his time. A Franciscan priest and professor of theology, he gave up teaching to be assigned to preach all over Italy, attracting huge crowds wherever he went. His brilliant attacks on corruption completely transformed the city of Padua. He had particular affection for the poor andhelped to abolish debtors's prisons.St. Anthony is often depicted as holding the infant Jesus as it is said that the Christ child appeared to him in visions.He is known as being of particular help in retrieving lost articles because of a story in which a book