Readers Digest The Life of Jesus Nativity to Resurrection DVD

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Relive the power of His miracles. Hear the stories Jesus loved to tell. Meet Peter, John the Baptist, Joseph and Mary, King Herod, Pontius Pilate, the Apostles, and many more key figures on your journey to the Holy Land. Part 1: His Birth and Ministry - Witness the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Follow Him to Nazareth where He returns and proclaims His deity to Mary and Joseph. Experience His unique relationship with God, His Father. Be there as Jesus is baptized in Jordan. Watch as he summons his first disciples. Hear Him preach The Great Sermon on the Mount. Marvel as Jesus heals a leper, a blind man, an epileptic, a paralytic, and as He raises Lazarus from the dead. Part 2: His Final Days and Resurrection - Join the cheering crowds that welcome Jesus to Jerusalem. Watch as He cleanses the Temple of the greedy merchants. Then see Jesus betrayed. Follow His trial before Pontius Pilate, who washed his hands, saying, I am innocent of this mans blood. Finally, you will witness the crucifixion of Jesus at a place called The Skull. Hear His last words, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. Then on the third day his tomb was found empty. He is Risen. He promised His disciples and all those who would believe, I am the resurrection and the life.