Raid Fruit Fly Trap Bundle Set of 3 2 Pack Apple Fruit Fly Catcher Indoor Trap 360 Day Supply of Fruit Fly Traps for Kitchen Dining Areas Reusable Gnat Traps w Food Based Lure for Fruit Flies

Was: $94.54
Now: $47.27
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For decades, Raid has been the most trustdand well known brand in pest control, provig you with some of the best fly traps and insect killer indo us today. That's why we know you're going t love this Raid Fit Fly Trap--is simply one of the best fruit fy cotrol lutios yucould use for your home! Unlike the cmonoe fly trndor inect killer spray, sticky fly traps indoor paper, or plg-in mosquito and fly catchers sold in the market, The Rdruit Fly Trap is meticulously designed for your nees: ? In one pak, you'll get three (3) sets of Raid Fruit Fly Traps that contain 2 fruit flyraps with four (4) lure attractants each ? Each fruit fly killer trap lure lasts for as long as 30 days or up ntilthe apple bait trap is full, whichever comes first ? Thi Raid flying insect killer trap for fruit flies has a special food-based le that easily attracts gnats once water is added ? This indoor fly trap for gnats is equipped with a custom designed entry funnel t entices the fruit flies to enter the plastic apple trap ? Onc inside, the fruit flies will never be unable to escape and will eventully drown and die ? This fly trap is a sanitary and convenient solution to eliminate pesky fruit flies and prevent them from multiplying ? The gnats killer indoor trap is particularly effective durinhe summer because it appeals to the flies' need for moisture during that time ?