Premium Red Chili Paste, Gochujang with 100% Korean Ingredients (Small 1.1 lb) By Chung-Jung-One

Was: $49.54
Now: $24.77
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Chung Jung One 100% Guksan Gochujang is premium red chili paste made with top quality ingredients. In contains absolutely no fillers or preservatives. If you compare the ingredient composition of this gochujang with the one of regular gochujang, you will see a big percentage increase in the amounts of red chili flakes and rice in this one. Although the translation of ingredients notes corn syrup as one of the ingredients (it seems it's a translation error), in the original ingredient list in Korean you can see it's actually jo-chung which is a syrup made with rice without processing, not corn syrup. Another big differentiator of this product is that all ingredients in this product are produced in Korea. Koreans are very conscious of where ingredients are produced because some imported ingredients can be poor in quality and the production standards are unknown. In general, Korean-produced and manufactured ingredients and products are higher in quality and production standards (which make them more costly). Chung Jung One also boasts about their chili peppers being produced in a specific region of Korea, Soon Chang. Soon Chang is an artisan town specializing in traditional Korean seasonings and pastes. We've compared this with regular gochujang. There is a definitely a distinct difference in taste. You can experiment yourself. Unless you are one of those who cannot tell differences in taste, you will notice a big difference. It's delicious by itself. You can definitely taste the pure flavors of chili pepper, and it has a nice finishing taste which gochujang with fillers doesn't have. We highly recommend this one.