POYOLEE Ankle Holster for Concealed Carry- Leg Carry Gun Holster- Universal Pistol Holster Fits Glock 19 26 42 43- S and W M and P Shield 9mm- Bodyguard .380- Ruger LCP LC9- Sig Sauer P365 P238

Was: $77.88
Now: $38.94
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Features: Universal design. One size fits most. Right or Left Hand Draw, Silent Drawn and Quick Release. Anti-Slip Down Design. Skin-friendly, breathable and comfortable. Strong, durable and security. Fitting Size: Fits 8-13’' in ankle circumference and maximum adjustablesize of 17'' in calf circumference.   Fits Most Pistols Surgical grade elastic holster fitssmall subcompact, compact, mid-size and even full-size handguns and revolvers.Compatible for G19, 23, 26, 27, 40, 42, 43, Smith and Wesson M&P Shield9mm, Ruger LCP 380, Sig P365, Bodyguard, Sig Sauer, Kahr, Beretta, Springfield,Taurus, Kimber micro, Rock Island, Bersa, Kel Tec, Walther, and more.