POLLIBEE Mason Bee House, Wax Coated Carpenter Bee House for Outdoors?Roof Design?Mason Bee House Kit?Honey Bee House?Attracts Peaceful Bee Pollinators to Your Garden?Carpenter Bee House

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WHAT IS MASON BEE? Mason bees are Great pollinators, they are closely related to honey bees, but they do not make honey. Mason bees get their name from their characteristic behavior of using mud like bricks to build their nests. WHERE DOES MASON BEE LIVING? Mason bees live in houses called nests, 6 inch in deep and 5/16” in diameter is the size that preferred by mason bees. POLLIBEE Mason Bee House meets all the requirements. WHY TO KEEP MASON BEE? As Pollinator, Mason Bees can Substantially increase the yield in Fruit Trees,Strawberries, Almonds, Raspberries, Blueberries and Many Other Fruit-bearing Plants in Your Wonderful Garden Where is the best place to put your mason bee house? With a nest ready Mason Bee House, you will then need to put it in a secure and warm spot. The Mason Bee house should be between 4 and 7 feet off the ground. It should also allow for sunlight to reach the nest at some times, especially in the mornings. The location of your nest should not be too windy or cold in winter. How to Attract Mason Bee ? During the early spring months, you can try attracting mason bees by providing nesting tunnels, plenty of bee food, and a mud source