Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya) Live Indoor Houseplant, 4 Inch Nursery Pot (Diameter)

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Now: $61.15
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Characteristics The Polka Dot Plant boast small, delicate, oval-shaped green leaves that come to a point and have a lovely display of colors ranging from white to pink to red spotted across the surface. They have a tendency to stretch out, or get leggy, but can easily be trimmed, or pinched back, at the top to encourage bushier growth.

Origin and Native Environment The Polka Dot Plant is native to Madagascar. It is an herbaceous perennial that grows well in warm and humid environments.

Naming Hypoestes phyllostachya, from the family Acanthaceae, is most commonly known as the Polka Dot Plant. It has other lesser used nicknames like Baby's Tears, Flamingo Plant, Freckle Face, Measles Plant, and Pink Splash.

Care Instructions

Water: Water once to twice a week. If the lovely leaves are wilting, even to the point of questioning whether or not they are still alive, give this fancy plant a drink of water. It will likely bounce back. Yellowing leaves indicate overwatering.

Light: They prefer medium to bright light, but will tolerate some time in full sun or lower light conditions. Although that may cause the coloring on the leaves to fade.

Soil: Use a potting mix rich with organic material and amended with pumice or perlite to ensure good drainage. They prefer a soil pH of 5.6 to 6.5.

Humidity: As a natural dweller of humid environments, the Polka Dot Plant appreciates indoor humidty levels above 50%.

Fertilizer: Polka Dot Plants are moderate to heavy feeders. Use a diluted, all-purpose liquid fertilizer for houseplants twice a month through spring, summer, and fall.