plplaaobo Display Meter, External S Meter SWR Power Meter Receive Display Meters for Yaesu FT-857/FT-897

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Now: $60.48
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Specifications: Weight: 300g Size: 6.7*7*6cm Line length: 37cm Colour: Black Package List: 1 * External S Meter Display Meters for Yaesu FT-857/FT-897 FT-857D& FT-897D external header display setting method:  Receive Display Settings 1. press (FUNC) key to enter the setup menu, enable the extended menu. 2. rotate (SELECT) to call up the setup menu item No-061(MTR ARX SEL). 3. rotate (DIAL) to select an external instrument display: -SIG: the input signal strength display -CTR: Discriminator Center Meter -VLT: battery voltage -N / A: blank -FS: buckle in the instrument 1mA full scale output signal calibration standard external instruments -OFF: Turn off the meter.