Pine Bark Mulch 100 Natural Pine Bark Mulch House Plant Cover Mulch Potting Media and More 4qt

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Now: $38.94
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Pine Bark Mulch, 100% Natural Pine Bark Mulch, House Plant Cover Mulch, Potting Media, and More (4qt) Chunky pine bark mulch. 100% natural mulch in a resealable zipper bag. Pine bark mulch is used to landscape homes, cover houseplants dirt for a more attractive presentation, shade the roots of grape vines, and much more. Can this be used for orchid bark? Please research your type of orchid and compare the bark to the type of orchid, and plan according to research. It is widely disputed if this type of untreated pine bark can be used for such a task, many growers claim years or success and luck with such a bark, while others claim the untreated nature of this bark, may lead to unfavorable results.