? What Will You Get? -- A toss game banner. The high of banner is 4.53ft and the width 2.55ft. -- 3 bean bags. Each bean bag is 2.2x 1.8 inch. -- a rope which is 19.6ft. You can cut it into 4 part for a better hanging. v ? A Major Hit Pikachu toss game fit for Pikachu-themed party, birthday party supplies, carnival games, family games, baby shower, daily games with friends, school celebration, indoor&outdoor activity, garden games and so on. It will be a major hit. Kids and adults will like them. ? A Different Sport with family and Buddy This toss game is a different sport for your kids and families. It could develop children's hand-eye coordination and training the shoulder. And the most important thing is having a happy time with friend and family. ? Convenient, Durable and Reusable Both the toss game banner and the bean bags are made of premium polyester. This material is durable, reusable and easy to store for next play time.
Pikachu Toss Games with 3 Bean Bags Party Games Outdoor Yard Lawn for Kids and Adults Pikachu Theme Birthday Party Baby Shower Family Game Class Game Party Favors
- SKU:
- R518457
- UPC:
- 3800123774829
- Condition:
- New
- Availability:
- Free Shipping from the USA. Estimated 2-4 days delivery.