Pigeon Pea Seeds -Cajanus cajan- 20 Plus Rare Organic Tropical Legume Seeds in FROZEN SEED CAPSULES for The Gardener and Rare Seeds Collector - Plant Seeds Now or Save Seeds for Years

Was: $57.80
Now: $28.90
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This sale is for 20+ Pigeon Pea seeds packed into airtight & watertight glass vials complete with organic cotton and silica beads for excellent long-term storage in the freezer. Use some seed this season and save the rest for next year and year after year. Seed saved this way can and usually does last decades. The pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) is a perennial legume from the family Fabaceae. Since its introduction into South Asia at least 3,500 years ago, the seeds have become a common food grain in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Pigeon Pea is also known as kardis, nandolo in Malawi, gandule bean, tropical green pea, gandul or guandu in Latin America, kadios, Congo pea, gungo pea, gunga pea, fio-fio, no-eye pea, orhor dal in Bangla, toor dal and arhar dal in Hindi , toor dal in Marathi, togari bele in Kannada, thuvaram paruPu in Tamil, thuvara pariPu in Malayalam, kandi paPu in Telugu, Behliang in Zomi / Mizo and mbaazi, and, in Tanzania, mzimbili mussa.