This is what you have all been waiting for! In this Limited Edition DVD, Michael Andrew personally tutors you in the most important PS techniques. This DVD will be extremely helpful for beginners and intermediate users who own virtually any version of Photoshop (CC, CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3, CS2, CS, & 7.0) as well as Photoshop Elements.
Michael Andrew is an award winning instructor who has honed his teaching methods to be beginner friendly. Michael's Photoshop Crash Course DVD is fundamentally unique, because he will teach you how to "think" in Photoshop terms which will save you a tremendous amount of time and frustration when getting to learn the system.
Instead of trying to cover every function of every version of Photoshop, Michael focuses on the core tools- allowing you get into the action after just one viewing. This means nearly all of the lessons apply to all versions of Photoshop both new and old, and the lessons are never outdated. Sweet!
If you own Photoshop and arent exactly sure why it is such an amazing program
..this is the DVD for you!
2 disk set, Run time is approximately 6 hour and 35 minutes.
Included Lessons:
- Introduction / Meet Michael
- Layers
- Elements vs Photoshop
- Album/Scrap Booking Crash Course
- File Formats
- Image of your Minds Eye
- Michael's Quick Tips
- What is a Pixel
- Michael's Photoshop Thinkflow & Examples
- Brightness Adjustments
- Levels Crash Course
- Curves Crash Course
- Core Photoshop Adjustments
- Adjustment Tools
- Filters Crash Course
- Black and White Crash Course
- Selection Tools
- Feathering
- Type Design
- Layer Styles
- Automation Tools
- Layer Masks
- Blending Modes
- Borrowing
- Advanced layer Techniques
- Clipping Masks
- And Much