Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed, 7 lb

Was: $198.30
Now: $99.15
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Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade grass seed mix produces grass in areas of your yard with dense shade or very little sun. It contains improved grass seed varieties that thrive in the shade and produces a fine-bladed, lower-maintenance lawn. All Smart Seed grass seed is pure-bred, drought tolerant and guaranteed to grow the thick and healthy grass you want while using up to 30% less water year after year versus ordinary grass seed. Pennington's Penkoted technology protects the grass seed from deadly fungus to give it a better chance to grow. Pennington is a founding member of the TWCA, the organization formed to promote responsible use of water efficient turf grasses. TWCA is non-profit comprised of governments, university, industry and researchers who are committed to water conservation and preserving the ecological benefits of turf grass.