Peace Lily Fertilizer Spathiphyllum Plant Food Liquid Fertilizer for Spathiphyllum Pot Peace Lily Plant Spathiphyllum Sensation NPK Fertilizer by Aquatic Arts

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Peace Lilies are members of the Araceae family and exhibit long, glossy, dark green leaves and white flowers (mature plants in bloom). The Peace Lily is a native tropical plant and enjoys warmth and humidity. This air purifying house plant is drought tolerant and requires water only when the soil is dry. Indoors is a great place for this plant, Peace Lilies do not require direct sun and prefer moderate to bright indirect light most of the time, with shade and lower light conditions during spring and summer. The delivery of nutrients from this liquid fertilizer will strengthen root structure and nurture at any growth stage (from young sprouting seed to older plants), producing lush, beautiful leaves (spray bottle may be included into care regiment to mist gently) and peaceful, fragrant flowers. Peace Lilies make for wonderful floor plants due to their growth capacity and can be displayed in stands or planting pots, they can also be showcased with hanging planter arrangements. Mix fertilizer with two cups of water and apply to Peace Lily soil per suggested usage frequency. Choosing to use pots with drainage holes is optimal, which will allow plant soil to fully dry between watering cycles more efficiently. If the bold leaves of the Peace Lily accumulate with dust it is best to clean or wipe them down softly. If potting container appears too small for plant due to natural expansion over time then transplanting into a larger size is recommended. Avoid over watering and follow Peace Lily plant indoor fertilizer application guidelines for prime overall health and flowering results.