Patlabor WXIII - The Movie (Ultimate Edition 3-Disc Set)

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Product description The SV2's giant Ingram Patrol Labors may be the ultimate in crime-fighting technology, but there are never enough to tackle every pending case. So when a mysterious series of deadly attacks targets Labor operators across Tokyo's harbor region, the job goes to "conventional" detectives Hata and Kusumi.After all, just because it looks like a giant robot-created crime doesn't mean that it is a giant robot-created crime, and deep inside a web of half-truths and government cover-ups, the detectives uncover a secret biological weapons project called WWXIII. But while this secret may have been buried, it's still very much alive. And that's when having the armored force of the SV2 as backup may become a literal lifesaver for the entire city!Special Features: MINIPATO 1-3, 16-page "collectible" booklet, Layout galllery with the "Say Young" Radio program, A WXIII project pilot film, and US Trailers. Additional Features This lavish set includes a 16-page "collectible" booklet and reams of information on the creation of the WXIII feature. The Minipato adventures on the second disc use a combination of cut-paper puppets and computer graphics for three spoofs of the original Mobile Police Patlabor series. Captain Goto explains the firearms used on the show--and the mistakes made in their designs; Shigeo discusses various "cool" mecha genres and how Patlabor eclipses them. Shinobu reveals the carefully guarded story of how Captain Goto got tired of trying to make ends meet on the miniscule budget allottd to Special Vehicles Division #2 and supplemented it with a dried gobey scheme. These send-ups are lots of fun, but they're tied to the slapstick comedy-adventure series, rather than the darker WXIII feature. The rather standard making-of documentaries on the third disc overlap, and provide more information than most viewers will want--or the movie really warrants. (Rated R, restricted: violence, grotesque imagery, profanity, tobacco use) --Charles Solomon