Patchouli Dressed Candle Kit - Veladora Preparada Pachuli

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Now: $63.95
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This enchanting candle is made with wax, along with a blend of herbs, powders, and perfume that will fill your home with the rich, earthy energies of patchouli. The candle is dressed in a beautiful jar. Patchouli is known for its calming and grounding properties, making it the perfect choice for seducing a partner. It is believed the pleasant flames summons the spirit of love. It is also said to attract love and romance, making it the perfect gift for your special someone.As you burn the candle, visualize yourself in a loving relationship and focus on your desire for love. The more you focus on your intention, the stronger the candle's magic will be. The candle is made of wax with a blend of herbs, powders, and perfume that promote love and attraction. The candle is dressed with herbs, powders, and a dram with perfume that are known to promote love and attraction. The candle is infused with the specific intention of attracting love into your life. The candle is packaged in a beautiful glass jar. Patchouli is known as a love fragrance. Use this candle to bring back a lover. It is believed the pleasant odor summons the spirit of love. -*- El Pachuli es la fragancia sensibilizadora por excelencia y es también el aroma del misterio. Úselo para sintonizar con su ser espiritual. Potenciará sus mejores energías.