Parsley Flakes - Aromatic Sour Herb - Perfect for Making Gremolata 0.5 oz.

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Parsley is one of the most popular spices in the world, and itâ€s used in just about every world cuisine. Itâ€s available fresh, dried whole, or as flakes. Dried parsley flakes, though, provide home cooks with a versatile ingredient. The flakes provide a slightly sweet, yet bitter herbal flavor to dishes. And thanks to its emerald green hue, dried parsley is an ever-popular garnish. The herbâ€s bitter profile pairs nicely with garlic. Just toss it with garlic as a dry rub for grilled meats. Or the herb works great in green sauces like chimichurri. From soups, to potato dishes and eggs, parsley flakes add the needed hint of bitterness and aromatic herbal notes thatâ€s often missing from dishes. Dried parsley can substitute for fresh. Generally, itâ€s a 2-to-1 ratio of fresh to dried. Just be sure not to over-season with parsley. In the right amounts, it adds a sweet, almost spicy herbaceous flavor, but can bring in too much bitterness if overused. Dried parsley keeps its flavor nicely, and the drying process actually intensifies its herbal flavors and aroma. That makes it great for soups, rubs and sauces, and itâ€s popular in French, Italian and Moroccan dishes. Use parsley flakes for: Sauces – A dash of parsley adds the needed bitterness thatâ€s often missing from a sweet, tomato-based sauce. Itâ€s also great in green sauces like chimichurri, and pairs nicely with garlic, chilies and other spicy ingredients. Meats – In European cooking, parsley, along with garlic and oil, is a common dressing for chicken, steak and pork. Parsley also complements fish and seafood. Herb Blends – Parsley is found in many different spice blends. Itâ€s a key ingredient in Fines Herbes, the popular French blend. And many Italian seasonings include parsley flakes. Garnish – Parsleyâ€s vibrant green colors make it a popular choice for garnishing. Sprinkle over eggs, pasta dishes or mashed potatoes for a dash of color.