Parsley Alcohol Free Liquid Extract Parsley Petroselinum Crispum Root Glycerite Herbal Supplement 2 oz

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While all of us know parsley as a condiment and garnish, most of us never consume its most flavorful part of the root. Parsley has been an important food for at least 3,000 years. Parsley is thought to have originated in Sardinia, or the surrounding area, and to have spread across Europe by the 15th century. There are a great many myths and folktales concerning parsley. It was said to have come from the spilled blood of Archemorus when he was eaten by serpents. It was also long associated with Persephone and the underworld, which may certainly account for the lingering superstition that it is bad luck to transplant parsley; it should always be grown directly from the seed.