Parmalat Shelf Stable UHT Milk 1 Qt Lactose Free 2 2 Pack 32fl oz

Was: $88.62
Now: $44.31
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Did you know? Lactose is a naturally occurring sugar found in milk, which some of us have trouble digesting. Parmalat adds a natural enzyme to our milk to break down the lactose, which makes it easy to digest. Enjoy our Lactose-Free milk, even if you're not lactose intolerant! Parmalat Lactose-Free milk has the same nutritional benefits as regular milk, just without the lactose. Tastes just like real milk, because it is! Serve it chilled, or take it camping! Since Parmalat milk doesn't need to be refrigerated until opened, you get the same fresh taste everywhere you go - even when you're away from home.