Palo Santo Pack Smudging Sticks from Peru 35 oz 7-11 Large Sticks Palo Santo Essential Oil Roll-On High Resin for Rich Aroma Premium Certified Authentic Ethically and Sustainably Sourced

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About Transform Roll-On Blessing Oil: Your roll-on blessing oil is a synergistic combination of four essential oils created to help facilitate life transformation: Palo Santo: A high frequency oil, raising ones vibration to divine peace. The oil also works with the sacral chakra, enhancing creativity and balancing sexual energy. Lavender: Helps release any energetic blocks and can assist you in cutting cords to unhealthy relationships, situations, and past events. It can help increase your awareness, creating a clear pathway to connect and communicate with your angels, higher-self and the spiritual realm. Rosewood: An uplifting and strengthening oil, Rosewood may help with dealing with feelings of depression and unpleasant emotions. During crisis or high stress situations, this oil can have a very calming and steadying effect on the emotions and nerves. Rose Geranium: Traditionally associated with blessings, it is good for working with angelic beings. Rose Geranium can strengthen the etheric body, and is often used for cleansing of the aura. About Your Palo Santo: SUPPORTS SPIRITUAL PRACTICE Use Palo Santo to smudge your space to remove heavy energy. This can help your meditation and spiritual practices. TRANSMITS POWERFUL HEALING: Cleaning your aura with the smoke of Palo Santo will raise your vibration. It clears lower energy from your field and attracts positive energy. CENTURIES OLD HEALING TOOL With over 100 chemical compounds, the spirit of Palo Santo heals on physical and subtle levels. It can help reduce the severity of nausea, headaches, allergies and sinus congestion. SPACE-CLEARING RITUAL As you burn a stick, let the smoke carry your intentions into the universe. Say aloud or silently, “I ask that the plant spirit of Palo Santo please bring blessings into the space."