Painted Tales Vol 1: In Winter Still: A Claude Monet Story / Almond Blossoms: A Vincent Van Gogh Story [DVD]

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Product Description ALMOND BLOSSOMS, 11 MIN Join this Starry Night swirl of an adventure through the breathtaking world of Vincent van Gogh's paintings. In a small French village, the shy and eccentric van Gogh is teased by the local children for being unusual. Only young Marguerite Gachet is willing to look past his angry red hair and freckled face. In accepting van Gogh, she is introduced to his otherwise overlooked art, full of bright colors and bold swirls of paint. Van Gogh has never sold a painting in his life, but when Marguerite needs a miracle, he is able to create a masterpiece. His enchanted almond blossom will save the day. Adapted from the famous O.Henry story "The Last Leaf" and set within Vincent van Gogh's most stunning paintings, Almond Blossoms is a magical reminder of the power of art. IN WINTER STILL, 10 MIN Join Claude Monet in his adventures through his enchanted garden at Giverny as he learns to celebrate the spirit of sharing and the magic of children at play. When Monet's selfish gardener bans the children from playing in the lush gardens, spring refuses to come and a harsh and tireless frost prevails. Monet is confused about why his beloved garden remains cold and lifeless and grows depressed having nothing beautiful left to paint. One day, the children, led by a remarkable little boy, sneak back into the garden, spreading bursts of spring everywhere. But the little boy who warmed life back into the garden disappears as mysteriously as he came. It will be many years before Monet rediscovers the boy, and in the process discovers something even more beautiful than his gardens. Inspired by one of Oscar Wilde's classic fairy tales and set inside some of Monet's most stunning paintings, In Winter Still is a feast for the eyes and imagination. Review These eye-filling films, part of a "Painted Tales" series from L.A.-based animation company Auryn Inc., combine storytelling with vivid, fluid 3-D animation resembling paint strokes on canvas, tailored to suggest the style and famous works of the artists. Inspired by Oscar Wilde's story "The Selfish Giant," "In Winter Still" is set in Monet's garden in Giverny, where winter comes to stay after children are barred from entering. "Almond Blossoms," loosely based on O. Henry's poignant short story "The Last Leaf," is about troubled Van Gogh, who helps a compassionate girl who befriends him. --Lynne Heffley, Los Angeles Times Five stars. An introduction to Art, Literature, and Life. Auryn's