Outsidepride Verbena Purpletop Vervain - 5000 Seeds

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Now: $20.44
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Verbena bonariensis is commonly known as Purpletop Vervain, and it is a tender perennial that reaches 36 – 48 inches in height. It has clusters of rose-violet flowers that are held on long stems, and in some areas, this flower is called Verbena On A Stick. The flowers are rich in nectar and very attractive to bees, butterflies, and song birds also enjoy the flowers when they go to seed. This flower is fairly drought tolerant once it is established, and it works well to naturalize any setting, looking especially lovely in meadows. Purpletop Vervain seed needs a cold treatment to aid in the germination process. Either plant the seed directly outdoors in the late fall or moisten the seed in a paper towel, and place it in the refrigerator for 30 days before planting outdoors in the spring after danger of frost has passed. Press the seed into the soil and cover lightly with peat moss. With a temperature of 70 - 75F, germination is usually within 28 days. Grow Verbena in full sun and well-drained soil. Space plants 24 inches apart. Usually, Purpletop Vervain is resistant to both deer and rabbits. It is known to reseed, but it is not considered to be invasive. Approximately 113,500 seeds per ounce.